Best 10 Paid Hair Website Traffic Increase Tips - How To Get Visitors To Your Hair Business Site?

Here, we are going to talk about the top 10 traffic ideas to get visitors to your hair business website that you have to actually pay for, these are the fast marketing methods to get traffic to your hair website and hopefully increase your sales.

Best Hair Website Traffic Increase Tips

Top 10 Hair Website Traffic Increasing Tips

Before we get into those top 10 ideas, let's think a little bit about your website and a little theory behind this - it's very important that you spend time working on the design of your website, the speed of your website, the functionality of your website, getting social proof with reviews on your website. So once you start spending money, you can convert those visitors. We have presented the top 10 free traffic ideas for your hair business website in our previous article, we highly recommend starting with those 10 ideas first getting your website going and then utilizing these paid ideas.

The advantage of paid traffic is it's a quick way to get people to your website and hopefully becoming clients, there is no wait like the search engine optimization and building an email list. 

Tip 1. Google Ads

We all have been for over a decade is google advertising - getting your products in google and promoting them or just doing google ads, so you show up if someone search "body wave hair extensions" and you want to be at the top, these are the type of ads that can immediately drive highly targeted traffic to your website because it can be based on the exact keyword that you choose. 

Tip 2. Facebook/Instagram Ads

Now Facebook has spent a lot of time and money making it much easier for you to advertise on their platform and generally when you're advertising on Facebook a lot of times (it's going to Instagram as well), you also have Facebook Messenger they're really building up their platforms for you to be able to spend money on Ads. Now when we say Facebook/Instagram ads, there is boosting posts, but we don't generally recommend just boosting posts because you don't have as much control over these types of Ads. It's really important that you spend a little bit of time and learn about the Ads Manager. Facebook Ads Manager is a very powerful and robust system that you need to learn to really do your Facebook and Instagram Ads right, otherwise, you're just spending extra dollars - literally handing facebook extra dollars for your Ads. Using Ads Manager it's super detailed but also a little tough to learn, so just giving you a heads up when you're going in there, what we recommend doing is setting up your Ads Manager account and logging in daily just click around for five-ten minutes a day to start becoming comfortable with the Ads Manager platform.

We can also give you a heads up Facebook is always changing what's going on in the Ads manager, so you will see things change monthly, and you have to just be accustomed to that and understand that there's a lot of changes because they're trying to make things better for you. It's a little bit to keep up with but it can go a long way with being successful with Facebook and Instagram ads.

Tip 3. Start a Podcast

This is an indirect way to start driving traffic to your website. Creating a podcast is something that is easier than ever, now a lot of people are doing podcasts via zoom so it's very affordable. You can go to best buy, get a yeti microphone, have a fantastic sound, and start creating these podcasts. Here we are saying the paid way to get traffic because there are some expenses with getting this set up such as having a zoom subscription. But what's great about the podcast episodes is you're also interviewing guests and similar to getting press. If someone is interviewed on a podcast, what do they generally do they're sharing it with all their friends and family, so this is a fantastic indirect way to drive additional traffic to your website. It's also making you an authority in the industry by having your own podcast, so think about adding a podcast to your business to talk about whatever subjects that are related to your hair business, it could be a huge win for your business.

Tip 4. Send Out Press Releases

This tip to send paid traffic to your website is to send out press releases. Now the cost of press releases is really varies depending on if you want to write the press release or do you want to hire an expert to write the press release. There are tons of press release services out there. PRWeb is a popular one that's been around for over a decade. When the pr web sends out these press releases, it's not always going to really spike your traffic, it can be something that happens over time, but what it can do is when people are searching for your brand. If you search your brand and you're not listed on any websites, there's no social proof, so people might be a little leery of ordering from you;  but if you do services like PRWeb and there are tons of other ones out there depending on your budget, if they search your brand and all of a sudden they show that these press releases have been listed on all these newsworthy sites, they might be more comfortable going over to your website and making a purchase. Customers might actually search your brand read these article that links over your website and that's going to drive traffic indirectly to your website but it's also going to give you some great social proof, so think about possibly doing a press release or two for your brand and for your website.

Tip 5. Hire Influencers

Hiring influencers can be really powerful and depending on your budget you can get this huge influencer or micro-influencer. There are tons of influencer marketing platforms out there, you can reach out directly to influencers, the problem with that is there's not really any contract or any kind of incentive for them to hold up their end of the bargain - a lot of times hair vendors will send products to influencers and they're just not going to post about it. So you know there's always a risk to work with influencer marketing, if there are any referrals you can use to influencers that can generally help because you can get referred by a friend and they're going to feel a little bit more obligated to make sure that they do their part.

When hiring an influencer, you should understand that a lot of the traffic will be generated but it'll be a one-time (they're going to go to your website and level), so if they're going to your website make sure you have your Facebook pixel installed so you can track them. If you can get their email or SMS text message, start building your list so that way you can start utilizing some of the traffic that these influencers are sending you.

Tip 6. Product Giveaway

Product giveaways are a really easy one but can be a great way to build up your brand and drive traffic to your website. There's a lot of tips and tricks for doing giveaways, make sure you search Google for "giveaway ideas" or "giveaway techniques", start learning about how you can really make this giveaway amazing with all the new techniques before you do it. Don't just throw some giveaway up there like "Hey, I'm giving away human hair bundles and wigs" without really thinking about how you can maximize the exposure for the giveaway. If you want to do something where you giveaway a wig or a bundle deal, you got to tag to friends, if you really want to spur that and get it out there you might want to put a little bit of paid ads behind that post so it goes out to more people, get the most for your dollar. 

Tip 7. Paid Guest Posting

Paid Guest Posting is something in the industry, not so much in the hair industry, but in the industry with SEO and really growing your presence online that a lot of people use which is really powerful. What paid guest posting is? There are tons of news sites, if you can keep it as relevant as possible in the beauty space that will give you an advantage. There's a lot of opportunities where you can pay the website to allow you to have a guest post on their site, which will help you get your brand out there. You can definitely get a couple of links from their website to yours, this is going to give you additional credibility online and boost your SEO, that's really valuable for you if you're looking at being in the hair business long term. So if you continue to do paid guest posting, it's a great way to get links and value.

Tip 8. Retargeted Ads

You can do retargeted advertising across a lot of social and web platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google, Youtube. Paid retargeted advertising is some of the best money you can spend on advertising. When someone visits your website, you have different pixels or ways of tracking these people when they go away from your website then they'll start seeing your Ads. If you go over to private label look at a few products right now, you're probably going to notice when you get back on Instagram and see a care cell of products, just so happens to be the same ones you look at because we use retargeted marketing. The return on investment is usually phenomenal on retargeting marketing, so it definitely should be part of your paid traffic techniques. On the hair business channel, Retargeted Ads are a super powerful way to send paid traffic to your website.

Tip 9. Create a Referral Program

There are tons of software platforms out there that can help you with a referral program, we always recommend Shopify or WordPress. Having the referral program is really simple - you can give somebody a link and say "send this to your friends and if they buy they're going to get 10% off and then you're going to get a 15% off coupon towards your next purchase or get a commission from us", by this way you will get tons of free stuff to promote your product for you. So if you're a hair business owner, you're probably going to have to pay for the platform that has the referral links, and then you have the cost of once people start promoting and referring your products and you're probably going to pay on both sides. It's always better to have a referral program that pays both the person that's referring your current customer and then the new customer it gives them an incentive to purchase from your website. So do some research find the best referral program that's going to work for you and it can really drive some traffic to your website.

Tip 10. Sponsored Blog Posts

The sponsored blog post is when you create a nice well-written blog (generally a thousand words or more), there's a lot of websites that will allow you to pay them to post this blog on their website, it's going to help you get a lot of SEO power and tap into their network of readers. The key when doing sponsored blog posts is not to make it too salely, but to make it a highly informative educational blog post that gets them interested in what you're actually saying, so that way they just read it.

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