Hair Business Customer Retention Strategy - How To Keep Your Hair Clients Coming Back?

Welcome back to our Hair Business guide, in this hair business marketing guide, we will give you plenty of marketing tips and tricks to keep your hair customers coming back and grow your hair business.

Hair Business Customer Retention Strategy

It is much more expensive to get a new customer than to keep an old customer, so in this hair business customer retention strategy, let's break down some ideas to make the customers that are currently yours coming back and being with you for the long haul, time to stop drop and re-evaluate your hair business.

1. Reward Points Program

In our daily consumption, we can always enjoy reward points for free services or goods such as free flights, free hotels even a free cup of coffee, but what about free hair? Your clients absolutely love it! So set up a rewards program for the customers shopping on your websites, they will earn points towards rewards that gave them discounts on their next purchases. So what happens is as your customers continue to spend money with you, they're getting rewarded by earning points that are converted into discounts for their next purchase. Now what a lot of clients do is they keep coming back to you because they either have a points balance or they want to reach that next tier of a big discount, and they can use it for their next hair purchase. So think about that for your hair business implementing a rewards program that can keep your clients coming back.

2. E-mail List

An email list is a key to keeping your clients coming back, a great very inexpensive way to stay in touch with them.  Make sure that you use the 80%/20% rule that we always talk about in emailing our clients which is 80% educating and 20% selling. If you're going to continuously blast your customers with buying, they're going to stop opening your emails, so make sure that you're sending them newsworthy information -  stuff that's going to help them use the products and education about your products within these newsletters, that's going to be really key to keep people opening the newsletters, so hopefully, they'll be excited about one that's a sale about your products or services for your hair business.

3. In-Store Atmosphere

This one is really for people that have a showroom, a salon or a place that they actually sell hair bundles is keep a great atmosphere. In your showroom, you should be die-hard about cleanliness, having a beautiful display and comfortable environment for our clients, and you are always looking for ways to improve that because it's so important for your client that's spending their hard-earned money on products to come into your showroom and have a great experience. Keep a great in-store atmosphere is something you really need to consider for your clients that are coming in your showroom or your hair salon, it is really important that they are treated very well by your support staff or yourself as well as the environment that they're in. So really take pride in the space that you're in, be really careful about not putting too much in there, making it very bright and lively can go a long way for your customer to feel great inside as soon as they walk in the door.

4. Be Confident

You have to exude confidence within your business, so that's through your marketing messages to your videos, letting people know that you are great. You really have to strive to be great and let your customers know it. People like to work with positive people, buy from positive people, and people they can trust. If you have a certain level of confidence, this is going to go a long way with people wanting to do business with you, because sometimes depending on your business they could be dealing business with you personally or your staff. So make sure if your staff have a ton of knowledge about your products because if you have a customer asking them a bunch of questions about a certain product and they don't have the knowledge of the product, they're not going to be able to explain anything about the product, that's where confidence can play a big role in keeping your customers coming back.

5. Be Personable

Be a happy person and make sure your staff is taken care of. When people come in, make sure your staff is standing up or you're standing up and greeting the customer right away. There are going to be times where people might come in in their bad mood, do your best to cheer them up, maybe be a little extra nice for them and make them feel special. You never know what somebody is going through within their day or their life when they walk in those doors,  so you have to do the best you can to comfort them and make them happy, and trust us a happy customer is much more likely to come back and shop with you.

6. Hosting Events

A VIP event for your current customers, or you give them an opportunity to shop in your store on the day off at a discount, these could be a great way to drive your regular customers to come back. Hosting different small VIP events for your best customers will let them really know that you care about them, that you've made them feel special and they're going to stay with you for life. In the hair industry, we are bombarded with messages from suppliers and other people, but people really like to buy who they trust and who they like hosting an event. To really showcase your appreciation for the customer will definitely be something that will keep your customers coming back.

7. Go The Extra Mile

Another great idea especially for people in the hair extension business is to go the extra mile, this can range greatly depending on the products you offer or how much your customers are spending. One of the ideas could be you can quickly go through your Shopify store or your woo-commerce store, wherever your eCommerce store is hosted, it can be as simple as sending maybe your top 10 customers a gift card to Starbucks, and send them a personalized note saying thanks. Just doing something a little different, go the extra mile for your customers if you really want this success and you really want to grow your business.

8. Educate Your Customers

This one is great for either hairstylist or people selling hair extensions, it comes down once again to education. If your hairstylist, make sure you're educating your customer how to properly take care of their hair, especially if they got it colored or something else to it so they don't mess it up and then blame you. For the hair extension side, make sure you're letting your customers know how to use your products by creating educational videos and blog posts, this will also help you get more customers through traffic. So creating educational content and focus on helping your client be successful with their hair journey, this will go a long way to keep your loyal customer stay with you.

These are all the marketing tips to keep your customers coming back, hope you will be benefited. And if you want to learn more hair selling knowledge, or want to find a reliable hair vendor for wholesaling affordable but quality hair bundles and wigs, feel free to contact us. 

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