Hair Business Marketing Strategy | Top 10 Content Ideas To Grow Your Hair Sales

Let's go through 10 content marketing ideas to grow your business, so you can start making them happen one by one in the senior sales skyrocket.

Content Marketing Strategy Benefit Hair Business

Content marketing can be one of the most fantastic ways to grow your hair business, there are honestly some pros and cons to content marketing so let's talk about it:

Once you have that piece of content - a digital asset for your business, content can take time to create so that can definitely be a con, also if you're looking for search engine optimization (SEO), some of this content takes a while to actually show up in ranking Google. But there's also a lot that you can do with the content that you create like creating that email newsletter with interesting content not only selling info, this type of content is going to come in the same goes for posting on social media, where it could be information about products and other information about the brand, that's going to help warm up your audience and feel more comfortable in purchasing from your hair brand.

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Top 10 Hair Business Content Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Sales

So let's go over some of the best ideas that you can start doing now to help grow your hair business:

1. Make Product Tutorials

Hands down one of the best content strategies for your hair business is making product tutorials. At HonestHairFactory.Com, we a ton of different entrepreneurs that we work with, some are hair stylists and some people just like being in the hair business, so if you're a hairstylist you definitely have the advantage to make these tutorials, because you can probably talk to your client maybe throw them a little bonus of something and you can film you doing their hair. On our Blog page, we have shared customers with professional guides on hairstyle and hair business. So creating these types of hair tutorials and detailed information can go a long way because you're also letting the consumer know how to use your product, and if they know how to use your product they're probably going to be contacting the customer service department less and they're going to be much happier, so it's a huge win-win with creating product tutorials for your business which is great content.

2. Create Videos

Video's so important, you need to be creating videos for your brand in every which way possible, especially on Youtube, Instagram stories, Tiktok. You will notice over time through the Instagram feeds and Facebook feeds that video is it's weighed much heavier in the algorithm as far as what you're going to see, so if you want your posts and content to show up more in front of eyes, you're going to have to start creating video. So think about every which way you can create a video for your brand instead of just having a slide with one photo. 

3. Share Your Journey in the Business

Sharing your journey in the business with a vlog (video) or a blog (writing), through media and content and photos that are up to you. It gives people an inside look that you're really working hard, and it allows them to connect with you in a different way than just ask them to buy your product. So think about the easiest way for you to document this journey because you don't want it to be too much time that takes you away from the important stuff which is marketing and growing your business, but it can be a great way to have a content based around your backend of what you're doing in your business.

4. Do a Feature on an Influencer

Now you may have to send that influencer hair, you can do something even as simple as lashes. Start with a product that you have that's a little bit more low cost and say "hey I want to send you this product and possibly get some feedback from you", most influencers would be happy to do that, once they wear it looks good, you're actually going to do an interview with the influencer. Spend a little time to make an interview through email (you don't even have to do it over the phone or through a zoom call), so you can pretty quickly copy and paste the questions and answers on your website, get some photos or even a video from the influencer which you can put it on your post. Once you build this beautiful post about this influencer (how they wear the product but also some information about them), they're going to be sharing it with their friends and followers, because who doesn't like to be featured on a website? This is a really smart and indirect way to create some powerful content that's going to be shared on your website.

5. Contest & Giveaway

Think about doing a contest for your business - you can do a contest that's run from your website because you want to get people to your website and there's so many more opportunities to get their phone number to sending them text messages, emails to do email marketing, Facebook pixels to track them and send retargeted ADs. But you can also do a contest on Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms. Make sure if you're doing a contest and you have really clear information on when it starts when it ends and what the product is that you're giving away, and you're going to announce when the winner actually is. Ensure everything's really clear, and once you do announce the winner make sure that's part of your content strategy letting people know hopefully they can even send a photo that they received it. So that way you can show your followers and other people that somebody actually really did win this and they're going to be more excited about doing the next giveaway.

6. Show and Tell About the Hair Industry

This could be easily created with a detailed FAQ Page. People love FAQ pages and it's something that you can easily share with common questions that you get from your customers and hair vendors wholesale. So start building out the QA section as you start getting emails from customers, you can start answering their questions on the website. For example, if someone mails you to ask "how many bundles do I need for a sew-in?", you can reply "great question, I actually have it answered in detail in the link (put on your FAQ page link) from our website". To do this, you do not only answer your customers' questions but also get 90% chance to drive them back to your website. This is also a free traffic strategy, having those FAQs can be a great way to get more people to your website and help grow your business.

7. Announce A Sell

There are different sales that you can do and you can spend a lot of time hyping these types of sales up, and you can do that all through creating content. If you're going to have a sale on a Friday, you might want to start giving a little teaser a week or two before letting them know a date and time for the sale and how long the sale is. A flash sale or holiday sale for a limited amount of product in a limited time generates huge amounts of sales, it's a great way to create content around your brand and get people excited because they can get great products from you at a discount.

8. Introduce Yourself and Your Team

Think about who your team members are, so if you have an assistant or a couple of other people that are part of your team, this is generally done in the form of an About Us page, make sure that you are really detailed on that page allow the reader to connect with each person that's part of your team. Or if you're just a solo entrepreneur or solopreneur, make sure to put on a really nice professional photo or a video that has part of your team talking a little bit about your story. This is a great thing for your website, Google's going to love it for search engines optimization, it's also something that you can share within your emails and on social media, allow the customers to connect with your brand, and is a great way to create more content.

9. Sneak Peak

Sneak peak could be something that you have only for the people that are on your email list or our text list, but start creating some content that's showing upcoming products and services. Giving people a little sneak peak, this could be posting on social media, through a blog post, or just be through an email list, make people feel special if they're following you or on a list by giving them that inside info that other people just can't get anywhere.  So that is a great sneak peak way to get more customers with content.

10. Events

Last but not least another great way to create content for your hair brand is events, this could be hosting your own event, a pop-up shop or maybe you're going to an event such as the Brauna Brothers. It's a great way to get great content that you can share on social media platforms and get your name out there to get in front of real people, it also gives you an opportunity to get face to face with your customers. So think about adding events not just going but creating the content behind the event for your marketing strategy.

We just wheeled off a bunch of content tips and ideas for your hair brand, hope you will get a benefit for your hair business! If you are looking for a reliable hair wholesale vendor, HonestHairFactory.Com can be your credible partner.

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