Wigs Care Guide: What You May Not Know About Wig Care?

The use of wigs is now common, but why do some people get years of use out of them while others can't use them in a month? Wigs need care just like anything else. How to take care of it properly?

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How should you take care of your scalp when wearing a wig?

After wearing a high quality wig, as your head is like wearing a thick hat, it makes your scalp hot, and heat is a catalyst to speed up the scalp metabolism. As a result, the scalp tends to sweat and secrete more oil, making it greasier. People who have a tendency to have more dandruff will have their symptoms worsened by wearing a wig. Therefore, it is best to wear a wig to wash your hair once a night to remove the grease and dirt on your head to protect your scalp and hair cleanliness and hygiene.

Wig care tips

1. try not to approach high temperature, because the relationship between the material human hair wig is not resistant to high temperature.

2. wigs can not be dyed, if you need to trim can ask a professional stylist trim finishing hair.

3. wigs are generally about 1-2 months wash 1 time can be based on the frequency of wear.

4. cold or lukewarm water, wash with normal shampoo can also be used with normal conditioner.

5. wash clean wig try not to use hair dryer and other high temperature wind blow dry, apply a dry towel to gently absorb excess moisture on the wig and then put to ventilation to avoid damage to the wig caused by direct sunlight.

6. do not comb the wig immediately after washing it should wait for the wig to dry before combing

7. use a special comb for wigs (available in shops at varying prices) not plastic combs.

8. curly hair basically do not use a comb, curly place every time with a good hand after finishing it can be.

9. If the wig is knotted for a long time, do not pull hard, you should spray the wig with a special non-oil maintenance solution and then slowly and carefully geographically open.

10. Be careful not to spray wigs with hair styling agents such as wax or wax, which can make wigs sticky.

11. Use a non-oil maintenance solution for wigs (the method is also very simple: just lightly spray a few times on the wig before putting it on) to make the wig soft and shiny and prevent static electricity, so that the wig remains moisturized as when it was just bought!

12. wigs can be tied up, just not too high or their real hair will run out below.

13. the longer wig comb when the wig will be divided into long sections, from the bottom to the top comb, must be light, be patient.

14. it is normal for a small amount of hair to fall out during the finishing process.

15. usually do not wear it in the original packaging, when you want to wear it, shake it to restore the original shape.

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