Best Startup Hair Business Marketing Tips - How To Grow Your Hair Businesses Strategically

What is the best way to market a new wig business? the best way to market a new hair business is geographical. if you are starting and you live in the United States then the greatest advantage that you have over your competition which is all of these overseas companies that are in all of your posts and following all of the hair hashtags and messaging all your customers, your greatest advantage is the fact that you will be a local company that people can pull up to, people can see your face to face, feel the hair in action, in person, that gives you a greater advantage over anything that any of these national larger companies could do. double and tripling down on branding yourself as the local hair company, that is a way better, a way smarter way to spend your marketing dollars as opposed to you trying to market across the entire United States, or some people the entire role to all women that are 18 to 50 years old. make your brand locally is the most important marketing decision you can make as a start-up company.


- Create A Specific Avatar -

Other than tripling down on your geographical area, also you need to create your avatar, you need to decide exactly how old she is and give her an actual birthday. 18 to 45 will not work. you need to get super specific about your demographic and not projecting who you are onto your avatar, but researching and deciding all of these things about her. that also will put you at a greater advantage over your competitors that are trying to market to everyone. so in conclusion, getting super-specific and creating your brand that speaks to your customer as opposed to you following that notion that if you build it they will come, that's simply a lie.

- Promote On Instagram -

Another way to market your new hair business is to make sure that you're on Instagram. Instagram is very visual, you can re-post popular images and aspirational hair looks. when you're starting, you don't have a whole bunch of content, but you can post that says this is what our hair looks like on this person, and this is what it looks like there. reposting and crediting that person that you are taking that image from, and tagged the person in it and use the right hashtags, you will get a ton of likes and engagement, and working on being more consistent with that for yourself, that’s how you build your brand on social media with essentially no cost. but the business is the foundation of the house that we're building, you need to get the packages out, responding to all of your phone calls and emails, building out all of these services that we know you need, and planning for what it is that we also know you're going to meet in the future, that's the focus. there are 24 hours in the day, you need to spend 12 of them working. putting more resources toward your social media promotion. but even without that, you can still do tremendously.

- Find Your Beyonce - 

Other than getting on Instagram, starting with your circle, reverse engineering your business that it speaks to your target customer. those are the main things that you need to do when you're marketing a new hair business, and also another tip is to look for the Beyonce in your area, again this is it goes back to number one tripling down on your geographical area, but find your local Beyonce, find whoever it is that gets the most likes, find whoever it is that people in the area look to as an actual influencer, not that only gets likes, but when she says check this out, people will listen and follow her advice for beauty things. find your local Beyonce, see what it is that you need to do to collaborate with her. a lot of the time it's as simple as sending a wig unit to her and asking her to post about it, promote it if she thinks the product is great.

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