Hair Business Marketing Tips - Why Are You Not Making Sales On Instagram

There's a misconception here in the hair industry and everybody's under the impression that what you need is an Instagram account. everyone's talking about how you need an Instagram account and how you need to be consistent on Instagram and that is going to be the driving force of sales, but we can speak from experience that sales do not come from Instagram. it's important to go ahead and put yourself in the shoes of the consumer, whenever you were starting a business whether it's the nails business, hair business, clothing, or boutique. whatever it is, go ahead and put yourself into the shoes of the consumer and consider what it was like as a consumer and where you were when it came to time to shop in the realm of hair extensions, whenever it came to buying hair extensions.


Why Isn’t Instagram Working For Your Hair Business?

whenever customers are looking for hair extensions, they are not spending time on Instagram looking for hair extensions. they may have been on Instagram looking for a hairstyle that may have been on Instagram, or looking for custom wig makers, but nobody was on Instagram looking for hair extension companies. the key is YouTube. YouTube is the search engine that people use to find out which hair extension company they needed to buy from. a lot of people can relate and are well aware of this, YouTube is where you go whenever you were looking for information on the hottest hair extensions. if it's not YouTube, then you are taking advice from word-of-mouth from your hairstylist, friends, coworker, whoever is letting that this hair company is the hair company to buy. and lastly, you make it on Google, you may search straight up “hair extensions” or whatever it may be. 

so now we have three places that we know the consumer is going to look for hair extensions: word-of-mouth, YouTube, and Google. 



When you think about the consumers' use on Instagram, the truth is nobody's going to Instagram with the intention of buying, we're all Instagram looking to distract ourselves, looking to post pictures of ourselves, looking to look at pictures, see what celebrities are doing. Instagram is not ideally the place that we're going to make a purchase. Instagram is a great tool to use to help raise brand awareness. by constantly posting, you're always going to be on somebody's feed. and when you're on somebody's feed one day, they may potentially click on your account and see what you have to offer and may potentially become a buyer. but speaking from experience in the past of what we've seen, Instagram will not work for your business. it won’t be a driving source of revenue. and this doesn’t mean that Instagram cannot bring you sales. it’s just that most people do not get on Instagram with the intention of buying, you may get on Instagram with an ad that may introduce you to a company, but the chances of buying directly from Instagram when it is your first time coming in contact with a company is little to none. for the most part, if you come across a company on Instagram and you are considering buying from this company, especially if we're talking about hair, chances are they're going straight to YouTube to see if this hair company even has reviews.


A lot of people are still questioning “why I didn't have YouTube reviews?” “why I wasn't on YouTube?” “why they couldn't find any reviews or anything relevant to my company on YouTube?” to see all of this feedback is why we believe it is important to have a presence on YouTube. on a platform that is this mega of the industry that you are entering, it is important to have some sense of identity on YouTube and know your consumer and know what your consumer is doing, because if you aren't aware, then you won't want to be spending your time doing a lot of things that do not drive sales and do not bring you money. if you do not like sitting in front of a camera and creating content, then you're going to need to find somebody to do that for you, this way they will be able to create a presence for you on YouTube. that is brand ambassadorship, that's a whole another ballpark. if you are interested, you can click here to find out!


It's important to fully understand your consumer. you need a marketing plan and know how to reach your consumer. a lot of people talk about branding and packaging and all those things, and that's great. that is only a part of marketing. you need a legitimate marketing plan to figure out how you're going to reach this consumer and how you would get this consumer to convert from a looker into a buyer. Google and word-of-mouth are also resources that your consumer may be looking for hair extensions on. as far as Google goes, you should consider looking into Google ads. as a startup company, this may be a little bit more expensive, so don't stress yourself out about getting Google Ads. Facebook ads are great too, but begin looking for ways to get in front of your consumer. and with word-of-mouth, get your friends and hairstylist in your hair brand. if you're not getting support from those around you, consider seeking out brand ambassadors, people that are willing to wear your hair and promote your hair.

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