Hair Company Marketing Guide - How To Get Hair Reviews For Your Hair Brand Easy & Low Cost

A driving force of sales as we all know is reviews. hair reviews are going to help consumers with trusting your brand and wanting to buy into your brand. I know a lot of people think that you need to have reviews by big YouTubers for it to make a difference and to generate sales, but that is not always the case. just because somebody has a big following does not mean that they will be able to generate sales. a lot of the time when it comes to people have larger followings, they expect hair products to be sent to them for free and that's fine, but the last thing you want to do is send a hair for free to somebody that cannot even give you a return on investment. sending hair out to people is an investment, so do not think that you automatically need to send hair out to people for free to get a review for your hair company. sometimes you sent hair out for free and that person was not able to generate sales, that would be a mistake on your behalf. we are sharing this with you so that you can avoid making these mistakes. if you choose to send out hair to somebody, at the very least make sure that they can prove to you that they've been able to generate sales in the past, do not just take their word for it, ask them for proof. a lot of the time when it comes to working with hair companies, they've been given a code of some sort and they've been able to see that they were able to generate sales. so they can show you proof that at the very least assures you that you will receive in return on investment. 



#1 YouTube Review Promo

Little do most of you know, you can get reviews without having the help of a big YouTube guru or an influencer. contrary to belief, you can create reviews for your own hair company. as you know, when you are coming into the hair business, it is important to test and sample hair extensions before you begin to sell them. as you are sampling this hair and testing out this hair, go ahead and document the whole process. document the unboxing, document when you wash the hair, and document when you install the hair. document your whole process while wearing and testing out this hair, those videos can be used as YouTube reviews. your reviews do not have to stop there, ask your sisters and friends to wear your hair and allow them to create reviews for you. ask your friends to help you test out different hair textures, and as they are testing out the different hair textures, they are creating videos for you, they are creating content for you. you’ll be able to use that for your YouTube channel. this will help you to create a presence on YouTube. you must have everybody be completely honest and be transparent about their experience with the hair that they are wearing, but utilize your resources and utilize the people around you, including yourself to help create content for your YouTube channel. 


#2 Discount Exchange For Reviews

Another thing that you can do that not many people think of is that you can offer the public the opportunity to wear your hair at a discounted price in exchange for a review. you can create a video to let your YouTube subscribers know that you are offering your hair at a discounted price for a certain period of time, giving your customer the ability to get the hair from you for a wholesale price. you need to create a contract for this promo. in this contract, be specific about what it is that you want the customer to talk about and what kind of reviews you are looking for. if you're looking for an unboxing and an initial and a 30-day review, make sure you specify that. be very clear about what it is that you were looking for in this review. make sure that they sign this contract, verbal agreements do not count as a contract. you want this person to sign their name, state that they agree, get this written proof. without this contract, this person can take care of you at a discounted price and not create a review for you and you have a problem. so make sure you have this contract, this contract is going to keep you safe and make sure that you get what it is that you desire and also make sure that both parties are understood and clear on what it is that they're expecting from one another.


#3 Asking Your Customer For Written Reviews

YouTube reviews are great, but you can also get written reviews. with each order that you send out, you can send a card that simply says you get 10 percent off your next order for writing me a review or you can email each customer or reach out to each customer after they've purchased from you and simply ask them about their experience. you ask them how they're liking the hair and how the hair is treating you and once they give you the feedback, go ahead and take that review and post it on your website, Instagram or even go ahead and plug it into your email marketing templates and send that out to your customers. getting reviews on YouTube is super easy and you do not have to stretch yourself out about sticking somebody that has a big following, those people require that you pay them for this review. as a start-up company, they may not be something that you can afford right away. so utilize the resources that you have, have your friends and sisters make reviews, and don't hesitate to ask the public if they would like hair at a discounted price in exchange for reviews.

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