Top 10 Free Hair Website Marketing Tips - How To Get Visitor Traffic to Your Hair Business Site?

How to start an online website for virgin hair weave, and how to How to increase my hair website's traffic? With these free methods, you will effectively get more visitors to your hair sites and boost your hair business without spending any single penny. 

How To Increase Your Hair Extension Website’s Visitor & Traffic For Free?

Create a site for your hair business is absolutely necessary, even if you already have a good customer base in your local market. For those who have just started their own wig or hair extension business and need to open up the market, building a website to attract traffic is the preferred marketing strategy. You already have a website, but no one has visited it? Then the following 10 free marketing strategies from Hair Business Blueprint will effectively help your hair websites get free traffic.

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1. Content Marketing

As we know, many people running hair business with websites, don't like to write blog posts. But it is absolutely crucial that you write some beauty hair blog posts that are going to have very good information on how to use your products and services - so that goes into maybe how to install a wig, to make something really powerful you can double that up with making a youtube video. So you can have a one-two punch as far as content marketing goes. 

Content marketing can go a long way for a couple of different reasons, not only does Google like it but it's also proven that websites that have blog posts and additional content on their website, generally sell about 70% more. Also, you're probably looking for content to share on social media and just sharing your product pages for selling, while people don't like to be sold to. So if you can share some educational information that can help your customer or potential customer, it's going to go a long way. Yeah, it's going to take a little bit of time to create this content in these blog posts, but look it is a definite necessity. So we would definitely get started to make sure that you do it a long-form content meaning make sure the blog post is at least a thousand words, don't have some little two-paragraph blog posts you're not doing yourself any justice. Make sure you're really detailed real informative, don't worry about giving out too much amazing information, it's going to come back to you once your clients start purchasing.

2. Social Media - All Platforms

That's a pretty simple one but you have to also be strategic with the social media just like we was talking about content marketing - you have to be really cautious about not trying to oversell in social media, think about things that you can post on social media that can entice people to visit your website. You can go to Canva and create 10 tips to hair care document for free, put it on your website, and then you can put a link from your social media over to your website.  So what's going to happen is first you're going to get that visitor to your hair website, next you're probably going to make them sign up for your email newsletter to get that document, so now you're collecting emails, and then you can market to them all different ways through Facebook ADs, you can do all sorts of things once you get there. Plus you've given away something to a client or potential client that is of value, so you're not necessarily trying to sell them all the time, you're giving them content that helps them in their journey with beauty and with hair. Don't just post on social media for selling your products, creating these content ideas, documents, special videos.

3. Utilize Facebook Groups

A Facebook group with a big amount of members will benefit your hair business a lot. There are tons of groups out there where you can put information and be part of the conversation now the worst thing which we see all the time in the Facebook group is where people start trying to post in the group or trying to sell their products and services even though the group admins make it very clear in the group rules: this is not a group for you to be selling your products but only for education. So a quick tip doesn't piss the admins off by trying to post selling you know products that they already sell and provide value - be part of the conversation when people have questions. Once you start figuring out inside these groups what kind of questions are being asked, you can go back to content marketing and start creating amazing blog posts. It's a much better way to get people to your site by providing value and not selling.

4. Offer a Consultation Call

This is something in the hair industry especially people aren't really doing it all well, so offer a consultation call about - you can have some a form on your website, it says like book a five-minute call or ten-minute call and we can provide you an idea of what the best next hairstyle or what the exact extensions you should purchase". This can be a little bit more difficult once your business grows substantially, but in the beginning, especially you have to go above and beyond for your clients -  it's something a free service you can offer and where you can fill in client's questions quickly in five-ten minute conversations, and it also allows the potential customer or the current customer to connect with you and your brand.

5. Email Marketing

You can start building your list using a program like Mailchimp that allows up to 2,000 subscribers for free and they give you plenty of features. Now when building this email list, it's not all about just offering coupons and sales,  think about what you can offer or what you can create that allows people to sign up for the email list - such as: sign up for this email list and book a consultation call, sign up for this list and you're going get our guide to installing wigs, you know it's unlimited what you can do. We generally say start with what you're most knowledgeable about because that makes it easier to write and talk about. If you do that it's an easy way to start building your email list and pushing out also all sorts of content to your subscribers and then driving traffic to your website.

6. Guest Blog Posting

There are tons of websites out there that talk about hair and beauty, and they're looking for writers if you can write really nice guest blog posts, you can send it to them, inside that blog post it probably has one or two links to your website or at least an author bio to your website. Someone can read all this detailed information they can really enjoy it and want to learn more about who this person is writing this, then find the link to your website. It is a fantastic way to get free traffic to your website, also going to build up your authority in the beauty industry, as well as have a link to your website which is great for SEO. 

7. Getting Press

Reaching out to your local press that could be the newspaper, online resources, or blogs. There are tons of media outlets, so reaching out to them is absolutely key because they're not going to just come knocking on your door for them to write about you, it's always a point that you have to be really aggressive and reach out to them directly. You know a great way to do it is to find articles that you know it makes sense for maybe you to be in or you could be talking about finding the author of who it is and then go to LinkedIn connect with them. This is a fantastic way to get more traffic to your website, so think about reaching out to the press.

8. Interview Influencers

Interview influencers is actually a really strategic method to get free traffic to your site. You're looking for that content for your website which we talked about about the blog posts, what about interviewing an influencer in the industry may be a stylist with a huge following or a beauty influencer? You're going to create a nice article for the conversation with some of the influencers' photos, when this comes out, they're obviously going to share it with their friends and followers because who doesn't like to get interviewed? So it's a great way to introduce people to your brand by interviewing others, you know these influencers always looking for ways to get their name out there more because it helps them with their influence right.

9. Set Up Google My Business

This is fantastic if you have a physical location because this is how you show up in Google maps; but even if you don't have a physical location, you can still go into set up Google My Business, and then you just make your address is not shown. It's much more powerful to have your address their google likes that a lot more than having it hidden. You know this is also a free tool and not costing you anything, make sure you spend time to really build on your Google My Business page. Try to get reviews onto the page, this is going to help the algorithm and show up more in Google which is going to help you send traffic to your website. Because within Google My Business, there are all sorts of places where you can add links to your website, you can post all your products and updates on there. And Google loves an active business because that means the business is probably still in business, they don't like to show companies that are not present you know because that's going to mess up their search algorithm. So spend some time build on Google My Business, it's completely free and very powerful.

10. Be a Guest On a Podcast

It's really easy to reach out to podcast hosts and talk about your hair business and hair extensions, what's going to happen is people are going to listen to that and there's a good chance they're going to want to learn more about you and your products. Because you're on a niche that is related to your business and they can go over to your website. It's also probably going to have your link in the show notes which is going to be great for SEO So as you're creating all this content, you're getting all these links from all the previous examples of getting free traffic to your website, it's going to do nothing but boost your presence in the search engine optimization on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and all the popular search engines. All the value starts coming together and boosting your rankings and getting you even more free traffic to your website.

Here we have just given you 10 actionable ideas to get free traffic to your website where you can start building up your client base, building up your sales, and really growing your hair business. If you want to start your hair business and look for a reliable hair vendor to wholesale hair wigs, extensions and lace fronts, make sure you contact us for getting know more details about our affordable high-end hair products.

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